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Meet Arshad and Sahil

Arshad*, aged ten, and Sahil*, aged six, were playing in the market one day and following their father’s motorised cart.

Enjoying their game they ran after him and didn’t realise how far they had gone until they lost sight of his vehicle.

The little boys realised they were completely lost and alone.

Terrified they headed into the station – a hectic environment and prime hunting ground for those looking to exploit vulnerable children. Luckily, our outreach workers were there to protect them.

They took the brothers to our Child Help Desk where hey took the time to comfort them, give them a drink and a snack and settle them enough that they could share their father’s name and details. Our team quickly tracked the boys father and he collected his sons, who were so happy to be reunited with their dad.

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But without a stable environment to grow up in, the chances of children going missing again remain high.

As we followed up with the boys' father a few days later to help support the family, we discovered that the children's mother had died six months earlier, leaving the father to bring up Arshad, Sahil and their three sisters alone. 

The father worked hard to provide for his children – but, without the proper documentation, he couldn't enrol them at school and struggled to keep them safe while he earnt an income. 

Working with the local authorities, we helped the children's father secure the necessary documentation and stayed in touch with the family to offer support. 

Today, all five children are back in school and the family is thriving. 


*Names and identities have been changed.