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Record numbers, more locations and spirits high!

Our fifth Big Station Sleepout had record numbers of people taking part at twelve locations across the UK. And, despite the cold, the noise and the discomfort, spirits were high!

“The atmosphere’s really good and everyone’s really friendly,” said Elinor who was taking part from Glasgow. “When my friend, Theresa, suggested we take part, I thought it would be a great idea – and it gives us a chance to catch up too!”

“This is our chance to raise a bit of awareness for Railway Children and a bit of money too,” adds Teresa, “we’re delighted to be here.”

Life without luxuries

From pig onesies to sleeping bag suits, fleece airbeds to fluffy socks, participants did what they could to keep warm (aided by their Railway Children bobble hats!).

But everyone taking part knew they could look forward to a shower and the safety of a warm bed and shelter following their uncomfortable night – luxuries that remain out of reach for many thousands of the vulnerable children and young people we help.

So far, the night has raised a staggering £152,500 – and money is still coming in.

Thanks to sponsorship from VolkerRail and the support of Network Railall the money raised will go straight to support vulnerable children, young people and their families who desperately need our help.

Thank you

Rob Capener, Railway Children’s CEO, said:

“It was so great to see a record number of people taking part in the Big Station Sleepout this year. Each year, the event brings people together for a night which – while uncomfortable – is a great chance to raise money and raise awareness so that we can reach more children around the world who have no one to care for and protect them.

“A huge thank you to everyone who took part and to our sponsors and supporters, VolkerRail and Network Rail. We couldn’t do what we do without you.”

(and yes, it is him buried in his sleeping bag!)

We can’t wait to welcome everyone back – along with some new recruits – next year!

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