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The Safeguarding on Rail Scheme (SRS) was developed by the Department for Transport and British Transport Police in response to the increasing numbers of vulnerable individuals using the rail network. The scheme is founded on the core principle that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, with industry organisations playing a crucial role in protecting vulnerable children and adults.

The SRS provides an opportunity for organisations operating on the UK rail network to demonstrate how they are working with partners to take a proactive approach in safeguarding vulnerable people across the network.

“A person is to be considered vulnerable if as a result of their situation or circumstances they are unable to take care of, or protect, themselves, or others from harm or exploitation.”

College of Policing

Our work with the rail industry

The SRS objectives align perfectly with Railway Children’s strategic aim for our UK Safeguarding on Transport programme which is to create a safety network for vulnerable people across the UK transport system, ensuring they are identified and offered the support they need.

We have an established suite of online safeguarding training programmes specifically designed for frontline rail staff and Safeguarding Champions in the rail industry.

We have provided training to 5,147 rail colleagues in the last year, with outstanding feedback from the rail industry, and lifechanging stories of intervention involving vulnerable children.

What we provide

If you are considering implementing the SRS within your organisation, whether as a committed obligation or voluntarily, we can help you meet the assessment criteria in the following areas:

1. Senior Leadership and Commitment

We can help you create and implement a safeguarding strategy that complies with the Safeguarding on Rail Scheme and provide ongoing safeguarding consultancy and support.

2. Safeguarding Communication

Our team will develop and implement an effective communication plan relating to safeguarding and vulnerability for both your employees and customers.

3. Responding to Vulnerability

We can advise on local safeguarding initiatives to mitigate issues at high vulnerability locations.

4. Staff Recruitment, Roles and Responsibility

We can review current policies and procedures to ensure they meet safeguarding requirements.

5. Training

Our team will write and deliver an effective safeguarding training plan to enable staff to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to support vulnerable people.

Contact Railway Children today about our Safeguarding on Rail Scheme

To discuss how we can meet your safeguarding training needs, please get in touch with Joe Clay, Programme Manager – Safeguarding Partnerships by emailing

Learn more about our work in the UK

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