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Railway Children downs tools to say thank you!

On Monday 10th June, Railway Children staff paused their work to spend the day thanking supporters for the essential role they play in supporting vulnerable children and young people around the world. 

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Our annual Thankathon

The thankathon has become a much-loved, annual event in the Railway Children calendar: a chance to celebrate the charity’s amazing supporters and thank them for continuing to be a vital part of the Railway Children family.

Whether they were on the phones, writing postcards or sending emails, Railway Children staff got stuck in to show how much their supporters are valued.

Rob Capener, Railway Children Group CEO said: ‘The thankathon is a brilliant opportunity to thank all our supporters, whether they are donors, volunteers, train companies, BTP champions, SAG members or event participants. The work of Railway Children is only possible because of them, and thousands of children are living safer, happier lives as a result.’