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Inspiring the next generation: Rail Safety and Careers Event

We recently collaborated with other members of the Bishop Line Community Rail partnership to speak to more than 100 Year 8 students about the importance of rail safety and mental wellbeing.

Date: 06/3/2025

Sleepout raises over £850,000

On 27th February 2025 the Railway Children Big Station Sleepout returned for the sixth annual event in 11 railway stations across the UK.

Date: 28/2/2025

Sharing best practices across the ocean

Mary Mushi, Safeguarding and Technical Lead in Tanzania, recently visited colleagues in Railway Children India to share learnings on family work across the two countries.

Date: 27/2/2025

Remembering Mussa Mgata

It is with profound shock and sadness that we announce that Mussa Mgata, our Executive Director for Railway Children Africa, passed away suddenly on Tuesday 25th February.

Date: 25/2/2025

Stop the Bleed Training

Dozens of Rail Professionals and Young People from across Nottingham have taken part in life-saving Stop The Bleed Training, as part of the Railway Children Robin Hood Line Safeguarding Action Group.

Date: 24/10/2024

King’s speech response

CEO Rob Capener's response to the government's plans in the King's Speech.

Date: 24/7/2024

Three Peaks 2024

Once again this year, May and June saw hundreds of our amazing supporters come together to climb the UK’s highest mountains across two separate events to raise a massive £262,045 for Railway Children.

Date: 08/7/2024

Rail Safety Week

We're as committed as ever to ensuring that railway stations are a safe space for vulnerable children.

Date: 24/6/2024

Care reform workshops

Railway Children Africa is collaborating with the Government of Tanzania on care reform workshops.

Date: 12/6/2024

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