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Protecting children month after month

Every donation that each supporter gives to Railway Children makes a huge difference. But regular gifts can make an even bigger impact.

They allow us to plan for the future and mean we can commit to being there for as long as it takes for more of the children and families who desperately need our help. 

A regular gift provides the stability we need to train more people, bring together more vital services and work with more families to protect more children who find themselves vulnerable, alone and at risk on streets and at transport hubs every day.

The benefits go both ways

When you sign up for The Platform, our regular giving programme, you’ll instantly become part of a community of givers who are committed to helping children step into a safer, more secure, more sustainable future.

And as a member you’ll receive;

  • Exclusive monthly good news updates about the children whose lives you’re changing in the UK, India and Tanzania
  • Invites to exclusive events allowing you to meet our project teams on the ground
  • Early access to our supporter events, and campaigns

Plus, with a regular gift you have the flexibility to manage your own giving, you can decrease, increase or stop your gifts at any time, so you are always in control of your support.

Mind the gap

Join us on a journey of discovery as you hear firsthand about the difference your support is making.

Whether it’s providing more outreach workers to be there when a child needs rescuing; delivering life-changing vocational training to enable more young people to build a life off the streets; or supporting more children and their families to work through their problems and find long-lasting solutions – your regular donations will help close the gap between vulnerable children and the brighter futures they deserve. 

Our amazing regular supporters have ensured…

  • Elias, aged 15, received the support he needed to move away from a life on the streets. Free to explore his love of cars, Elias got an apprenticeship as a mechanic, thanks to the tools and guidance your support enabled. He has now been offered a permanent job and is able to pay rent on a place of his own for the first time ever.
  • Beth, aged 15, received the support she needed, for as long ass he needed, to resolve the issues she was facing. She’s now able to talk to her parents about her problems, is happy at home and hasn’t run away again.
  • Rajan’s mother was able to set up her own small shop and, with business thriving, can now provide for her family. Now that Rajan, age nine, no longer has to go out to earn money, he and his three siblings are back at school with bright futures ahead of them.


Join the platform

Names have been changed and models are used to protect identities.

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