could fund one of our UK project workers for two whole months – giving vulnerable young people a trusted and caring adult when they need it most, ensuring that the positive changes can be sustained.
Every donation we receive helps us keep children safe on the streets of Tanzania, India and the UK. But larger gifts help us make an even greater impact where it’s needed most.
Having access to significant donations, of £5,000 or more, means we can secure our longer-term plans and make the investment needed to get new projects off the ground.
It means we can change more children’s lives. For good.
If you would like to discuss this in more detail with one of our Supporter Engagement team at Railway Children, please call Helen Shepard on 01270 757596 or send an email using the link below.
could fund one of our UK project workers for two whole months – giving vulnerable young people a trusted and caring adult when they need it most, ensuring that the positive changes can be sustained.
could put 12 young people through a Youth Association programme in Tanzania – an 18 month programme giving them the skills and support to set up their own business to build a brighter future.
could keep a bus terminal help desk in India running for a year, offering protection and support to children arriving alone and at risk, and raising awareness to protect even more children at risk.
Support from charitable trusts and foundations provides vital funding for our work in Tanzania, India and here in the UK.
From helping to rescue street children in India to providing crucial intervention work to vulnerable children in the UK, trusts and foundations have provided valuable support for our work.
If you are a trustee, or have links to a trust or foundation which might be interested in transforming children’s lives, we’d love to work with you. By building strong partnerships we can achieve positive change for some of most vulnerable children on the planet.
Our dedicated Trusts and Grants Manager, Pauline Medovnikov, will be happy to provide you with more information on the ways we can work together to help children at risk.
Please call Pauline on 01270 757 596 or send an email to p.medovnikov@railwaychildren.org.uk.
“ECF have been supporting Railway Children’s work since 2013, funding projects in both India and Tanzania, and we have found the team to be passionate, well-informed, great at communicating and always able to satisfy our reporting requirements. We think they are doing important work with and for the children and young people on the streets of India and Africa. We would certainly recommend them to other foundations.”