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Donate a gift in memory of someone you love

Giving a gift in memory of a loved one is a very special way of remembering them.

Donations in memory help us improve the lives of children on the streets, creating a lasting legacy that continues long after flowers have faded. We understand that losing a loved one is among the most difficult experiences in life, and we are always hugely grateful for donations of this nature.


How to donate in memory

Create an online tribute page

By creating a tribute page, your family and friends will be able to add their donations and create a lasting tribute together.

Set up a page here


Make a one off donation

To give a gift to Railway Children in memory of your loved one, click here or call us on 01270 757 596. You can also donate via cheque and send a covering letter to us at Railway Children, First Floor, 1 The Commons, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1EG.


Arrange a funeral collection

If you’d like to hold a collection in lieu of receiving funeral flowers, we can provide collection envelopes. Simply drop us an email on or call 01270 757 596 and we will send you some in the post.

Change a child’s future

Support from people like you makes our work possible.

It’s the only way we can make sure all children and young people are seen, heard and protected.

Together we’ll leave no child behind.

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