Tackling station safety
Every day, children are being identified as vulnerable at UK rail stations.
Every year thousands of vulnerable children and young people use the UK’s transport network. Most are teenagers, but some are as young as 11. They’re not always easy to spot, but they urgently need our help.
They may be suicidal, running away, or being groomed or coerced into working for criminal gangs. For many, the journey they are making takes them one step nearer dangers they might not even be aware of.
Together, we can identify young people at a potentially dangerous cross roads in their life and get them the help they need.
When you’re next at a station, please look out for young people AT RISK using these signs…
Do they seem unsure of themselves and their surroundings?
Time of day
Are they travelling during school hours or late at night?
Is there something that doesn’t feel right about their relationship with the person they’re travelling with or are they young and alone?
Is there something telling you that the young person may be scared or intimidated?
Are they putting themselves at risk in any way?
Keeping a low profile
Are they lurking in station corners or toilets or avoiding ticket barriers?
If you see a child you think could be at risk, alert the nearest police officer, call 0800 40 50 40, or text 6106. If you’re ever concerned for the immediate safety of a young person always call 999.
How we help
We are an international children’s charity, dedicated to helping vulnerable young people on the streets and in and around transport hubs around the world. We work with local authorities, including the British Transport Police in the UK, to identify those in need of our help.
We meet children at their lowest point, often when they have unwittingly put themselves in real danger. The police look after their immediate safety and then we step in to provide unique, long-term support that helps to change their life story.