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Helping Keshav unpack his potential

Eight-year-old Keshav* enjoys school, where his favourite lesson is Hindi. “I love listening to the poems the teacher recites,” he says.

But, until recently, Keshav was one of the roughly 13 million children in India not attending school.**

Instead, with his father earning only a very basic wage, Keshav spent long days collecting rubbish to supplement his family’s income. Like so many of the families we work with, the time and energy it took to make ends meet left little space for education.

Will you give a gift today so that more children like Keshav can experience the potential that education can bring?

...could pay for one of our Bags of Potential - providing a child with all the essentials they need to learn.

Donate £11 >

...could pay for two Bags of Potential, ensuring two children can swap the streets for school.

Donate £22 >

...could pay for a family worker to spend a week in India's slums educating families on the importance of school.

Donate £46 >

*Name has been changed and models are used to protect identities.

Your money will be used wherever the need is greatest to support children across India, Tanzania and the UK.